Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

7 months old and 7 years old!

Well actually, we are 7 1/2 months old now...Owen that is:) Owen is still feeling much better and he' s on the move. He is in the first stages of crawling...inching around all over the place. We can no longer expect that he will be in the same place we left him if we leave the room- he is on the move now! He has 2 teeth on the bottom and he's very proud of them. He has one more coming in on the top and so we are still DROOLING ALL THE TIME! Owen spends a huge bulk of his day saying "hey daddy" over and over and over and over.... When is he going to say MOMMY??? My friend Lucy Clay joked that Baker must be getting up in the middle of the night and making him practice that:) He got a new high chair (Thanks Austin and Lisa) and he really loves it. I think it makes him feel very independent and much like a "big boy" that he can sit and eat on his own. He's eating more finger food and that's really cool to him (and nice for us). We are just about 22 pounds and just over 28 inches now. He has graduated to the next car seat- which is a whole different story- shopping for a car seat is stressful! You want to get the best, safe one but you also don't want to break the bank. It was much more taxing than I thought it would be - there are WAY too many brands and types to pick from. Not to mention, I GOT THE WRONG ONE the first time! Long (embarrassing) story!

On another note, our sweet Brogen turned 7 years old this week! The dogs have kind of gotten the shaft since Owen has been born, so we made sure to make a big deal about Brogen this week- he deserves it! Tuesday was HIS special day! WE LOVE YOU BROGIE!! He will always be our FIRST baby boy!

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