Well, we have a just about 9 weeks left until Owen arrives and we are FINALLY in the Christmas Spirit! I am feeling MUCH better and Owen seems just as happy as he can be in my belly! It's amazing to me the changes that take place with BOTH of us daily! I have actually lost a couple of pounds (Diabetic Diet) but you can't tell it...in fact you would think the opposite! Owen and I both seem to change shape daily. I am pretty sure he has pushed my stomach up somewhere under my right rib, so it's always a surprise at how I react to food! My ribs take quite a beating from his big feet, but I don't mind...I love to feel him move! It's also really cool to feel his reaction to Baker talking to him! He always moves around when Baker makes funny (and often weird) noises to him:) We just can't wait to see him!!
We had a great visit this past weekend with Baker's mom and Step-Father (Joanie and George, AKA Mimi and Gramps). They bought Owen his cool Play Yard! We had Christmas with them and really had a nice, relaxing weekend! You should see what Baker got!! They (through some really nice connections) found him the Flag that flew on the 18th green at St.Andrews for Jack Nicklaus's last tournament SIGNED by Jack Nicklaus! What a gift!! He was speechless! (I will have to take a picture and post it!!)
We also hosted a Christmas party last night at our house. I think a great time was had by all! My girlfriends and I exchanged gifts and they guys hung out by the fire for most of the night. Two friends brought their CUTE baby boys, so we all passed around the babies all night. They even tried out a few of Owen's things which was so cool to see! I included a photo of Baker and I with Cooper, Chris and Jessica's 13-week old son. My belly was felt by all...Owen got lots of attention!
I also included a pic of Brogen and Luci. Bless their hearts, they get slighted a bit these days with all the Holiday AND baby things going on. They will always be our "first kids" and we love them so much!!!
Finally, you can see Owen's room in progress. Daddy did a great job painting it and we can't wait until all the furniture gets here!! It's going to have lots of cool fishing things!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
31 Week Update
Friday, December 14, 2007
10 weeks to go!!
Hello! We have been to the doctor quite a bit lately! Owen is doing GREAT and is about 3.5 pounds now! I, however, have been a bit puny! I found out I have gestational diabetes (yuk) but we are hoping we can manage it with diet...we will know for sure next week. I have had a yucky virus this week, so I haven't felt as great as I have been, but I am over the hump. Owen is "sitting" VERY low causing a bit of discomfort (but who doesn't have discomfort in the last trimester, right?? I am supposed to be off my feet as much as possible because the cervix (called prolapsed cervix) is so low. At least it gets me out of some housework! I am definitely in the nesting period! I can't seem to stop doing things at home and am anxious about the house. Baker did a FANTASTIC job painting Owen's room...a sage green. He has been working overtime to re-arrange the house. Don't know what I would do without him! We are so excited about Christmas and looking forward to some time off to relax, enjoy Christmas and attempt to celebrate my 30th birthday (Christmas Day!!!). We are getting some of the BEST gifts in the mail from family and friends and we appreciate them so much!!! Owen is going to love all of his cool things!!! We are just so anxious to meet him!!! Baker loves talking to him and feeling his reactions, and we can tell all of his positions and actually feel his feet, bottom, head, etc. It's so cool!!! Isn't his profile PRECIOUS!!!!! More to come...
Monday, November 26, 2007
So much to be Thankful for!
This past weekend Baker and I were in NC for Thanksgiving and for 2 baby showers. We have so much to be Thankful for! It was great to see and spend time with our family, so see the BEAUTIFUL North Carolina Fall colors that we miss so much, and we were treated to two very generous baby showers while we were there! On Friday night, we had a shower at my Aunt Claudia's house given by the Owen/Hicks family. It was so much fun and Owen got some GREAT things! The next morning, we headed to Raleigh were some of my very best friends (2 which are also pregnant, I might add) hosted a great shower at Maridith's house. Again, we had so much fun! It was great to see everyone again and to compare pregnancy stories (and sizes). You should have seen us at the airport Sunday morning with 3 HUGE suitcases, 1 large box and bags to carry-on the plane. We looked like the modern day Clampids! We were overwhelmed at the love and generosity of our family and friends!
As for a baby update- I saw that doctor last Monday for a check-up and everything is great! I am still measuring almost 2 weeks ahead but the doctor still will not change the due date. Owen is so active! He is so long now that when he gets into certain positions, I can feel his head or his bottom bulging out of my belly. He is still able to flip around at times and he uses the top of my stomach as a backboard for big flips! He also starts moving every morning (like clockwork) when the alarm goes off...making sure I get up on time! We are getting lots of baby gifts so it makes it even more fun preparing for his arrival! Just about 12 weeks to go!!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Congratulations Austin and Lisa! & Baby Update
This past weekend, Baker and I hosted a Tailgating Themed wedding shower for our friends and neighbors, Austin and Lisa. We all had a great time! It was held at Mosley Station - our famous tailgating spot! They are getting married in February in Ft. Lauderdale. Austin lived across the street from me the first few years in Tallahassee and I guess he just missed us so much that he moved out to El Destino (across the street again) this past year ( ha ha). To explain Baker's outfit: The theme for the FSU/Duke homecoming game was "Back in Black" and FSU (finally) won another game in their black uniforms. He wore his UGA hat while Georgia and Florida were playing, but he switched to the Garnet and Gold after that game ended:)There is a photo of Baker and me as well as one with Austin and Lisa.
I also had another check-up this week. Owen and I are doing great! His heart rate was 145 and I (we) are measuring about a week ahead ( I asked if that meant I had gained too much weight, 15 pounds, and he said "not at all!") Owen is moving around even more and his movements can be felt (and seen) about 2-3 inches above my belly-button (which has NOT protruded yet, thank goodness!) Several of our friends have had children in the last few months, so when we play together - Owen always kicks when I have someone else's baby on my belly - jealous already! Tomorrow I may let some friends (children) paint my belly like a jack-o-lantern for Halloween....
Monday, October 22, 2007
Week 23 update!
It's week 23 and we are doing great! We have decided to name our baby boy Owen and we are loving calling him by name! We have picked out his nursery...a fly-fishing room (Daddy is so thrilled)! Owen is moving around all the time- kicking me and punching me at times (with excitement, not anger I hope). He really is an active baby! He loves to move around to music! My belly gets "felt" quite a bit these days! I am able to tell when he gets the hiccups, which is pretty weird! It's all just so amazing!
This past week and weekend was pretty busy. I wrapped up the first 9-weeks of school. Busy getting report cards competed and progress notes turned in. My dad came down for a visit from North Carolina which was great! We went to the FSU/Miami game - WHAT A SAD DAY FOR US!! At least we had a great time! Baker and the "active" tailgaters were very silly and very entertaining! Sunday we picked TONS of pecans - the weather was so nice Saturday and Sunday! I included a few photos from this past weekend. Have a great week!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
We are in the clear!
Thank you all so much for your prayers! I saw the Fetal Medicine Specialist today to have the Echogenic Foci on our baby's heart looked at and to check for other markers for Down's or anything else and all is good! He was looking for other markers on the better ultrasound machine (cool images - so detailed!) The echogenic foci was still there but everything else was just fine. He looked for mid-facial hyperplasia which was not present. No "squished face" as he called it, and no markers on the brain. The EF can be an indicator also of a heart problem but he didn't see that it was. Dr. Humme said the heart was pumping and working perfectly. He even looked at his lip and didn't see any malformation there (with regard to the epilepsy and Keppra and Cleft Lip or Palate)He said the the baby was great in every aspect! No need to return to him unless Dr. Obryan see's something else but he can't imagine that he will. Our little boy was sleeping, sucking his thumb when we started. He was not happy that we had to wake him up to get all the images! Got to see his big boy parts again - he was spread-eagle one time! The doc said he thinks "Raul" is the perfect name for him. Glad that is all over!!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Tickled Blue!
We are so excited to report that we are having a baby boy! He is simply perfect! Yesterday, we had an ultrasound and "boy" was he showing off! They actually called me back a few minutes early, as Baker was pulling into the parking lot. The tech went ahead and started the ultrasound as and said they would send Baker right back. She scanned over the baby but focused on his head. Just a few seconds later, Baker came in and the tech said "I am so glad you are here...I can't hide this anymore." His boy parts were popping straight up! He was showing it off! I thought Baker would jump out of his skin with excitement! He is a very, very active little boy! It took quite some time to get all the images and measurements we needed for this test as he would not be still (and I didn't drink anything with sugar in it:) He moves constantly and kicks my right side all day long. He is constantly doing sit-ups and his backside pokes my bladder! He is very strong! On the growth chart he went straight up the middle, he's not too big, not too small. He has very long legs and long feet like his Big Daddy and his Great Grandfather, CB. Everything looked wonderful! Do say a prayer for him, he has a small spot on his heart called an echogenic foci (small calcification on the left ventrical) which can, along with other markers that I DO NOT HAVE, be a marker for a chromosomal disorder such as Down's Syndrome. The doctor is not worried at all. He says these spots show up quite often on an ultrasound, and typically they disolve. I will go see the specialist tomorrow for a more detailed test just to be sure all is well. The doctor says that there would be a greater concern if there were other markers, such as brain growth problems, other organ malformation, etc and everything else about him is just perfect! A mother can't help but worry, however we will be much more at ease tomorrow. All of the other tests on him and with me were perfect! We are just so thrilled and so blessed! In the ultrasound photos, you can see him showing off his "manhood" and his long legs! We couldn't be happier! Now it's time to shop!!!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
I have to pee!!!
We are almost 19 weeks and doing great...except the fact that I am having to get used to having to go to to the bathroom ALL THE TIME!! I am averaging 6 times at night (waking up...and waking Baker) Thank goodness I have a bathroom in my classroom or I would never be in class! Guess this is just the beginning! All you mothers know exactly what I am talking about:)
I am feeling the baby move quite often, which is really cool. However, sometimes it gets kind of annoying...like when the baby is doing his/her aerobics on my bladder! The past few days the baby has been on the right side of my belly. Sometimes my stomach even looks lop-sided. At times when I bend over, I feel like I am going to squish the baby. I guess we are just getting used to our new size and shape. We are so anxious to find out (next week) if we are having a boy or girl. I am thinking "boy" and Baker is thinking "girl" - the good news is that it is one or the other!
For those who keep asking...I attached a new picture of me and my baby belly. Hard to believe we are half-way there! Thank for all of your prayers and support! I know they are heard.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
14 week ultrasound
I have finally uploaded the pics from the 14-week visit. WE are just over 17 weeks now and will know very soon whether we have a boy or girl. I felt him/her kick for the first time last week. One image is a profile with the hand in the mouth. the other is the baby making a "mean" face (you can see eyes, nose, mouth and the lobes of the brain...it's the alien pose). More to come...
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Update & Weekend Getaway
Hi everyone! I saw the doctor last week (Sept 5th) and mommy and baby are great...growing everyday. Since I just had an ultrasound the week prior, we didn't have one at this visit (but I promise to put the last pics up soon:) The heart rate was in the 160's still and I measured right where I was supposed to. We find out whether Baby Wright is a boy or girl in just a few weeks...when we also take lots of measurements of the baby as well!
This past weekend while Daddy was in Montana with Big Daddy, Mommy went with her fantastic college girlfriends to Charleston, SC to celebrate Melinda's bachelorette weekend! Out of the 7 of us on the trip, 3 are pregnant. Needless to say, it was not a wild weekend like we once had, but it was a blast! It was so great to see everyone! We gathered from Orlando, Tallahassee, Raleigh, Baltimore, and Charlottesville, VA! I included a photo of the 3 pregnant ladies...myself, Maridith and Heather...all sipping cokes:)
Friday, August 31, 2007
active baby!
Hi everyone! I will put the new pics up soon, but last Friday I had another ultrasound and WOW was the baby active! I saw the baby doing flips! I was able to see fingers, feet and even the lobes of the brain...also some pretty mean faces. The tech said the baby had long arms and legs. yesterday, I felt my first "flutter" which was pretty cool. More to come! -Donna
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
We've grown!
We went to the doctor today for a check-up and everything is spectacular! I am feeling better...still have a few yucky days now and then. Dr. O'Bryan told us our baby was still due the same time...for now. Could be a Leap Year baby! It was really cool to see the head, body and arms and legs forming. The image looked like a bobble-head! We got to watch him/her move all around. My pants are starting to feel a bit snug around the waist...soon it will be time to shop! I also found out today that by very best friend is having a boy so we are just thrilled about that! How cool to be only 7 weeks apart in due-dates! We will take some belly pics as soon as we grow a little more.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Baby on the way!
Baker and I are very excited to announce that our first child is on the way! I went to the doctor for some routine bloodwork- I have been on medication to help the process for about 6 months now. I was having tests to start the next round of medication when low and behold, I didn't need it! Baker was out of town, so I had to wait almost 48 LONG hours to tell him in person. We caught the pregnancy very early, so we had to follow up with blood tests to make sure all was well, and it is! We had our first ultra sound last Friday, and measured at about 6 weeks, so that gives us our first tentative due date of February 29, 2008 ( Leap year Day)! Please keep us in your prayers throughout the pregnancy. We are thrilled and very excited to share this with our friends and family!