Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I am a growing boy!

Owen had his 2-week check-up today and he is doing so well! He was actually 2 weeks old on Monday. He is 7lbs 5oz and 19.75 inches long. This is super impressive considering that 10 days ago he was only 6lbs 3oz!! He is eating (nursing) every 3 hours and is sleeping so well! He gets a bit fussy around 3am (for some reason) but other than that, he sleeps until I have to wake him to nurse. He has a "fussy period" each day around 6pm...just in time for Daddy to come home to play with him:) We are ready for flu season to be over so we can go out and play more, but for now we stay in most of the time to make sure we don't get sick. Owen is starting to smile and grin more and is showing more personality each day! The photo of Owen with the bear is so darling! Owen's cousin, our nephew Clay, made this bear at Build-a-Bear for him. Clay named him Quint since Baker is a "4th" and Owen could have been the "5th" - I thought that was too cute! Clay chose to build Quint for his 6th birthday party. How sweet!

1 comment:

The Thompsons said...

I sware by the flu shot this year. Pete and Morgan didn't get one, Pete by choice and Morgan was too young to get one this year. Davis and I did get ours and we are flu- free so far (knock on wood). Pete had the flu bad last week and I tried my hardest to keep Morgan away. I think that with my breast milk (& my immunization) and by keeping her away from Pete we were successful! I hope flu season is over soon too!

-Karen T.