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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Final Countdown!

Well, we are almost there! At last Friday's appointment, Dr. Franz (a friend AND one of our OB's) scheduled Owen's induction! They are inducing labor on February 17th!! I will be 38.5 weeks at that point. We all still believe that I will go into labor beforehand on my own, which is FINE BY ME! Owen looks great! We are taking it day by day at this could happen anytime now. I was about 2.5cm, 80% and minus 1 station on Friday. He also told me I could be OFF of bed rest...YEAH!!!! He seems to think that after several days of being vertical again and walking around, that gravity will "help" bring Owen on. He stopped the pre-term labor medication, and boy can I tell it! The contractions are starting to become stronger, but still irregular at this point. I went back to work as of yesterday which I am so thankful for! It was much harder (physically) than I thought it would be, but I don't mind because I get to be with the kids and it's such as great distraction from early labor pains! I feel a lot better emotionally because I know we've made it to the "safe" zone and all of Owen's tests show he's doing just perfect! He should weigh around 7 pounds at this point. Baker and I are just playing the waiting game now! We'll have Owen in 2 weeks or less!


CharGrill said...

Congratulations, Donna! I know you are excited for his arrival!!! I'll be thinking about you!
Love, Char

The Thompsons said...

Feb 13th is a good day for is also my birthday!
Good Luck!
-Karen T.