Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Week 7 - Things are FANTASTIC!

Yesterday Owen was 7 weeks old...time flies! He continues to bless our lives tremendously and amaze us daily with his progress and growth. He is so much fun! Depending on what you consider "the night" - you could say Owen is sleeping through it! Let's just say he can go 6 hours straight! He still gets up once from the time we put him down until sunrise, but I don't mind - he goes "down" around 10 and is up around 8am. Baker has been (usually) feeding him for me when he wakes each day and when he gets home from work each day. He also gets up for the middle-of-the-night feeding on the weekends so that I can get longer stretches of sleep, then he can sleep in...we trade. This weekend was a milestone for us. I got almost 8 HOURS STRAIGHT of SLEEP!!!! That hasn't happened since I was about 6months pregnant! It was PRICELESS! Owen went to bed around 9, I nursed him around 11:30pm then was in bed by midnight. He woke around 5:30am and Baker fed him, then I woke up about 8am...Owen & Baker still sleeping! I couldn't believe it! I had to wake Owen around 9am Saturday morning! It was a GREAT DAY! Baker was able to sleep late...since he is up early each day. I felt like a new person!

We had a great weekend. Baker has been working long hours and really working hard (As usual) so Owen and I spent most of Saturday away, and he was able to relax then go fishing! Owen and I went to a baby shower brunch Saturday morning for a former co-worker, Emilie, who is having a girl soon:) Then we went downtown to Springtime Tallahassee - a great annual festival. It was HOT!!! We got lots of exercise, took in the great sunshine and enjoyed the shopping, food, music. Saturday night, our neighbors came over for TACO NIGHT. Then, we stayed up to watch my TARHEELS make it to the Final Four...GO HEELS!!!

Sunday Owen went to his first birthday party for Bryson, the son of our friends Jason and Sheila. Owen also had his first professional photo shoot here at El Destino Sunday late afternoon. My friend Amanda, who is also a photographer, came out and took AMAZING photos of Owen. The afternoon sun was great and she shot some unbelievable photos of him...they made us all cry! I can't wait to share them when we get them. She as able to get him along with the great scenery here on the farm. After that we took her out to dinner at a a great new Mexican place!

Each day I am still in awe at how great motherhood is. God has blessed our lives with Owen. Being a mom brings me more joy than I can explain...any of you who are mothers know exactly what I am talking about. Sunday night, I had one of those evenings (which I have often) where I just didn't want to let him go or put him down. I went to put him to bed and just couldn't leave the room. I just stared at him and cried tears of joy. He is just perfect! I couldn't leave the room...I just wanted to watch him and hold him. I found myself just standing by his crib for the longest time thinking of how lucky and blessed Baker and I are that he's in our lives now.

One final (random) note.... Why didn't anyone (until today) tell me that I misspelled the word "family" on this web page title??!!! Baker brought it to my attention today. For weeks, the "l" in "family" was missing!! Guess that's baby brain for you.

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