Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

1 month old!

I cannot believe that Owen has reached the 1 month mark! He is doing so well and has already made our lives so much better! He can already roll over- it's really cool to watch! He rolls from his stomach to his back! We have learned quite a lot in the past month:
* Soy beans give Owen BAD gas!!!
* Pampers are better (for us) than Huggies!! Huggies leaked and caused diaper rash!
* Bourdreaux's Butt Paste is the best!
* I can function better than I thought on limited sleep!
* It is possible to out and have a nice meal...with wine!
* A broken toe doesn't even hurt compared to the pains of childbirth!
* The breast pump (noise) can double as a sleep aid for Owen.
* Watching a baby roll over is just as entertaining as American Idol or Celebrity Rehab!
* Nursing really is demanding!! - but worth it!

We've been getting out more. He have been having dinner with friends, doing some shopping, and just this weekend, we had a great time with my dad (Grandpa) and his Fiance, Martha (Nonie). The weather has been nice so we are getting lots of vitamin D. We even went to our first cookout!


Lucy Clay McGehee said...

donna and baker! it is so nice to see your little boy grow up. I can't believe it has been a month. Thanks for sharing your pictures and funny stories. I hope we get to meet Owen when we are home for Seeley's wedding. We will be in touch!

Lucy Clay and Mike

Christy N said...

Sounds like you are doing great. I am sure that you are a fabulous mom and enjoying every minute. Love the pictures!!

Love, Christy

Unknown said...

I am glad you are doing so well. I know you and Baker are great Parents and Owen is one of the luckiest little boys. I love your pictures! Hopefully I will see you and get to meet Owen in May :)
Love, Jill

Maridith said...

Donna these pictures are fabulous. I am glad that things are going so well. You have a beautiful family. I can not wait to see you. July seems too far away! Love, Maridith

Jacqueline said...

Owen is so precious! And I know what you mean about the broken toe! Would you believe I broke mine when Mary Frances was just 2 weeks old! It did hurt, but no where near as much as child birth, you're right!