Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Sitting up already!

Here are few great pics of Owen sitting up in Bradford's Bumbo seat. He is pretty strong! Dad thought it would be cute to give him beer to hold - WHATEVER!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Happy Easter

This past week has been filled with fun! Owen is growing and changing everyday and he continues to amaze us with what a good baby he is! He is still eating well and sleeping well. He only gets up once during the night to eat,around 3:30 and is so close to sleeping through the night!! We spent the afternoon and evening on Saturday next door at Austin and Lisa's for Austin's birthday and had a great time! Sunday, Owen went to church for the first time and was a big hit! The last time we were at church, 6 weeks ago, I went into labor that same day. It was Feb. 10th and people were commenting at church that day about how uncomfortable I seemed to be...sure enough, I went into labor that night and Owen was born on Monday, the 11th!! He was so cute in his Easter outfit! Just yesterday, Mimi (Baker's mom) arrived and is here to visit and help put until Friday morning. I am sure we are going to have a great time!!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Week 5 Update

Yesterday was Owen's 5-week birthday. He is still doing great and growing daily! Not sure of his exact weight but he has passed the 9lb mark! The weather has been GREAT so we try to spend a few hours outside each day. Lately we have been having our afternoon nap outside, and we play with the pets and take a walk, too. Owen LOVES to be outside.

With each day, we get to see more of Owen's developing personality. He is smiling more and it's such fun to see him smile at you. He is so alert - he is constantly looking around at noises and voices he hears. He is so strong! It amazes me how he does his "push-ups" on the floor, rolls over (from stomach to back), and looks around when sitting up. This weeks he showed us how he can sit up in the bumbo seat...pretty good for such a young, small baby! Along with the increase in alertness and changing personality comes more crying!! He has his "fussy time" around dinner time most days. IT kills me to let him cry, but I know there are times that we must do it. In all honesty, he is such a great baby. He rarely fusses and when he does it's only for a couple of minutes, but to me it seems like forever! He has started sleeping up to 6 hours at night - YEAH!!!

We are headed to Montgomery for a couple of days (Baker's work) - it will be nice to get out of town for a few days. Owen and I will sit by the pool and go shopping while Baker works!! Baker is looking forward to taking Owen to Bass Pro Shops!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

1 month old!

I cannot believe that Owen has reached the 1 month mark! He is doing so well and has already made our lives so much better! He can already roll over- it's really cool to watch! He rolls from his stomach to his back! We have learned quite a lot in the past month:
* Soy beans give Owen BAD gas!!!
* Pampers are better (for us) than Huggies!! Huggies leaked and caused diaper rash!
* Bourdreaux's Butt Paste is the best!
* I can function better than I thought on limited sleep!
* It is possible to out and have a nice meal...with wine!
* A broken toe doesn't even hurt compared to the pains of childbirth!
* The breast pump (noise) can double as a sleep aid for Owen.
* Watching a baby roll over is just as entertaining as American Idol or Celebrity Rehab!
* Nursing really is demanding!! - but worth it!

We've been getting out more. He have been having dinner with friends, doing some shopping, and just this weekend, we had a great time with my dad (Grandpa) and his Fiance, Martha (Nonie). The weather has been nice so we are getting lots of vitamin D. We even went to our first cookout!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Just adorable!

I had to post a few photos of Owen in his fleece outfit. He is so cute!!!

First Bath

Owen had his first real non-sponge bath this week! HE LOVED IT!! He didn't like being cold after the bath, but was much better after he was wrapped up in his frog towel! For those of you who do not know, bathtime for babies - at least most that I know and Owen FOR SURE - is like alcohol for babies! He was so calm and relaxed after his bath! What fun!!

Dining out & Diaper Rash!

Owen had his first dining out experience last night at where else...Nino's : our go-to restaurant! We were going out to celebrate Uncle Joe and Aunt E's birthdays. Owen did great! - - he slept the whole time!! Will we always be this lucky?? The grown-ups were able to enjoy a GREAT meal!! Thanks, Owen!

Owen does not cry and fuss very much, but when he does it's usually during the diaper change. His poor red rear! The kid poops a lot - my butt would be red like that if I pooped that much I guess! Thank goodness for desitin!!