Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Here we go 2008!

Welcome to 2008! The new year finds Baker and I very anxious for what is ahead. We can't wait to meet Owen! We are in week 33 and doing well! ( just a bit uncomfortable and TIRED!!!) I see the doctor weekly now for tests for me and the baby. We have a weekly ultrasound and a weekly non-stress test (all protocol for gestational diabetics). Owen is GREAT and is really growing. Looks like he will be, as the doctors said, an "above average sized baby boy" so we could be looking at induction around week 38 or 39, but we will see. He is "practice breathing" regularly, so he knows what to do there and he's already head down and will stay that way...thank goodness!! I can feel EVERY SINGLE MOVE he makes as he is running out of room to play:) Last night, he moved around from 3:30 until 6:30 this morning...keeping me awake, of course. I don't mind, I love knowing he's active!

We had a great Christmas and I had a great 30th birthday! We celebrated in Rome with Baker's family. It was restful and relaxing! We returned to Tallahassee on the 28th and Baker took a hunting trip to Mississippi and I rested! Other than getting the rest of the baby furniture squared away, I brought new meaning to "doing nothing" and loved every minute of it! I was treated to a fantastic baby shower by my good friends here in Tallahassee on this past Sunday which was so much fun! Owen has really been "showered" with generosity by our friends and family and we are so grateful!!

It seems babies are everywhere! My friend Heather in NC had her precious son, Holden, on Dec 30th and my best friend Maridith is in labor NOW with her son. I can't wait to meet these boys! In them meantime, Baker and I get lots of practice with Bradford, our neighbor's 13 week-old son who is going to be Owen's best buddy!!
The nursery is starting to look great as well! Baker and I both spend free time in there...I can't get enough of it! I included a Christmas photo of Baker and I as well as a pic of the girls who hoseted the baby shower on Sunday. Stay tuned....


Unknown said...

Glad you are doing well - take care of yourself and baby Owen these last few weeks! Love ya - Jill

BabyMama said...

You look beautiful and I can only imagine that you and Baker are anxiously awaiting baby Owen's homecoming in the next few weeks!
