Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, October 22, 2007

Week 23 update!

It's week 23 and we are doing great! We have decided to name our baby boy Owen and we are loving calling him by name! We have picked out his nursery...a fly-fishing room (Daddy is so thrilled)! Owen is moving around all the time- kicking me and punching me at times (with excitement, not anger I hope). He really is an active baby! He loves to move around to music! My belly gets "felt" quite a bit these days! I am able to tell when he gets the hiccups, which is pretty weird! It's all just so amazing!

This past week and weekend was pretty busy. I wrapped up the first 9-weeks of school. Busy getting report cards competed and progress notes turned in. My dad came down for a visit from North Carolina which was great! We went to the FSU/Miami game - WHAT A SAD DAY FOR US!! At least we had a great time! Baker and the "active" tailgaters were very silly and very entertaining! Sunday we picked TONS of pecans - the weather was so nice Saturday and Sunday! I included a few photos from this past weekend. Have a great week!

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