Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers

Monday, August 18, 2008


I just want to say a very special "THANK YOU" to all of my friends and family who have so thoughtful to call and write with their support on my journey back to work. It means so much to know that I am in your thoughts and prayers. I am so blessed to have such a a wonderful support system! Baker, especially, has been even more amazing than usual! This weekend he cleaned the house, kept Owen while I worked Saturday and Sunday, came home early for me to have a much needed happy hour on Friday, gave baths, took extra feeding shifts, and changed even more poopy diapers. Today he brought home BEAUTIFUL roses for me for my "First Day of School." I appreciate this more than I can explain!! I couldn't me the mom that I am without the help and support of my friends and family and Owen's AWESOME dad!!

6 Month Upate

Life at the Wright house has been pretty busy lately. I am back to work now so we are having to get used to our new schedule, including earlier mornings (for all of us), LONG days, and late nights (for me, not Owen). Owen is going to Ms. Glenda's each day and has been such a good boy. He's pretty much on the same schedule that he was at home, but now he has friends to play with each day. He's still sleeping about 11-12 hours each night and eating every 4 hours. He can hold his sippy cup of water and he thinks he pretty cool when he does. The first day back at work for me (last week) was pretty emotional. Baker went with me to take Owen to Glenda's and I cried off and on ALL DAY! It got much better each day and I had so much to do at school that the days have FLOWN by! Owen is as happy as can be when I pick him up each afternoon and the change in his routine hasn't seem to even phase him at all! He simply loves Glenda and loves being with the other children that she keeps- not to mention that buddy Bradford is there too. When I went to pick him up one day last week, I don't think he wanted to leave he was having so much fun. He eats, plays and naps for her with no trouble. It's such as blessing to know he's so well taken care of.

Speaking of eating, Owen is DOWNING the veggies these days! I don't think he's going to have a problem with any kind of baby food! He's not a huge fan of sweet potatoes, but he'll eat them. He LOVES green beans! He pretty much just loves to eat - he's not picky. We are using sign language with him and I swear that he has learned to sign "eat" when we put the bib on him. He says "Mmmm" when he eats and will imitate you saying that almost every time. His funniest noise is by far elephant noise. His exersaucer has the rain forest animals (including an elephant) and he purses his lips together and imitates the sound of the elephant. It's pretty hilarious (except when he has food in his mouth). He's making all kinds of LOUD sounds and noises. He's really taking an even bigger interest in Brogen and Luci (or anyone's dogs for that matter) and loves to pull their hair. He's grabbing anything he can get his hands on. I also swear that he prefers blonde's -especially his Aunt E and Lauren. He gravitates to them! He's quite the ladies man with that adorable smile and laugh.

6 month Stats:
Weight = 18lbs
Length = 28 in.
Head = 42.5 in

Saturday, August 2, 2008

New Brag photos...

Here are some photos of Owen. There's one of him swimming with Bradford, one of him in his Fly Fishing Vest, one of him in his camo ready to go to the grand opening of a new sports store, and one of him OUTGROWING his t-shirt and proud of his big belly,

"La-La-La, Owen's World"

My best friend, Maridith, has a portion of her blogspot that she calls "Lawson Talk" - her daughter. So, I decided I would steal that idea and tell you about the things we are "saying in Owen's World. We are making girgling noises on command, we can say "Mmmm" when we eat, and we also make a sound that sounds just like "Hi." His Jump-a-Roo makes an elephant noise and he can make that noise (and that face) and it's HILARIOUS! We are sitting up and we can do the "Super Man" position on command when we hold him in the air. He learned how to hug and kiss (big nasty wet ones, of course) He's FULL OF ENERGY!

The title of this blog post is prompted by our new favorite thing...ELMO!! Owen is crazy about Elmo. I have never seen such a thing. I let him watch the Sesame Street episode that I TIVO each morning while I am cooking dinner each night and he watches it from his seat or jump-a-roo. The kid goes CRAZY when Elmo's segment comes on. I do a pretty good Elmo voice and he thinks it's the best thing ever! He can be on the other side of our house and hear Elmo's voice and will immediately start looking around and laughing. So, I guess we know what to ask Santa for this year! (Personally, I think "Mr. Noodle" is a bit creepy, but whatever - it makes the kid happy:)

We miss daddy!

Baker is Montana fly fishing and we really miss him! We are keeping busy, of course, but it's not the same without daddy around. Baker is SUCH a team player when it comes to taking care of Owen. I am so grateful to him for the time he spends with Owen and all of the things he does on a daily basis to take care of the little man. So now for almost a week, it's just me "single mom-ing it" and I appreciate Baker even more! I must admit, I am having so much fun having Owen all to myself, but still we miss daddy!

Mama Mia! - Girl Time

If you haven't already, go out and see Mama Mia! My friends Natalie, Elaine and I went to see it and it was THE BEST! It's such a feel-good movie and I got in the car when it was over and sang the soundtrack and have been doing so for the last week.

Girl Time: Priceless! Even if it's only long enough to see a movie, having some time with the girls is such a blessing! Thank you, Natalie and Elaine, for those 2 hours of FUN!!!

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