I know there are a million things I should be doing when Owen sleeps: Laundry, resting, cooking, dishes, watching everything I have recorded on TIVO - but I can't seem to stop watching him sleep (and taking pics of him sleeping!) I am getting better about it, but I haven't given it up yet. Maybe I need a support group for this! He is just so beautiful!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
When he sleeps...
Mother's Day
Owen celebrated is 3 month birthday Sunday as well. He is becoming more and more curious with every day. He is also becoming more and more verbal each day! He laughs so loud! He thinks spitting up is hilarious! Thank goodness we are over the cold and cradle cap...yuck!!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Extra TLC
My precious boy has had a yucky cold this week and I am learning about how much it literally hurts as a mom when your child doesn't feel well. He is a trooper and for the most part, this cold hasn't been too bad, but when I know he feels bad I just hurt all over! So, he's been getting LOTS of extra TLC from me this week. It is, however, such a good feeling to know that I can "make it better." Even though he is under-the-weather, Owen continues to be so much fun! I find myself laughing at him all the time. It's like he knows when I need to smile or laugh...he just giggles and knows that my sour mood can be turned right around by his "cute factor!" He is such a joy!
Monday, May 5, 2008
Early bird...
My precious boy has been an early-bird since birth. He was born 3 weeks early. He tried to come 7 weeks early. He rolled started rolling over at just 3 weeks old and now he's 12 weeks old and TEETHING!!! The doctor said some babies just do that...start teething early. I have mentioned several times that he "chews" his hands and drools like a kid who's teething but never imagined he was. I thought it was too soon. He has a cold and a little cough so I took him to the doctor for a check-up (he is fine) and she said "this baby is teething!!" She said he's an early teether and to go ahead and break out the orajel and ice-cold teething rings! It could still be a couple of months before we actually see anything. My little baby is growing so fast!!! Will we have to deal with the fussiness of teething gums for months?????
12 weeks stats: 11lbs, 15oz and 24 inches. What a big boy!! He is so much fun! He is starting to yell when he laughs! At first, I thought he was hurt...he's just playing! We're having a ball!